Silent Treatments: Decoding Its Hidden Impact On Men's Mental Health

Silent Treatments: Decoding Its Hidden Impact On Men's Mental Health

Jun 24, 2024

Jun 24, 2024

Anita Srinivasan

Anita Srinivasan

Silent treatments and their impact on men's mental health.
Silent treatments and their impact on men's mental health.

Silence is golden. This is a phrase that I have heard all my life. But that might not be a good thing always, especially when it comes to men’s mental health. Sometimes silence can be deafening and excruciating when used with intent to exert control, manipulate, or punish someone. It can also be painful when you are the recipient of the silent treatment from people whom you care about the most.  

Today, we want to talk about two sides of the same coin which is the silent treatment. One perspective involves understanding how men use the silent treatment in dealing with difficult life situations and how detrimental can it be to their mental health. And the second perspective is when faced with silent treatment, how it adversely affects men’s mental health.   

We will also look at different things that trigger this form of silence along with coping mechanisms to manage them for our overall mental well-being. Now, let’s look at these perspectives one by one.   

Perspective One- When You're The Recipient Of The Silent Treatment  

Imagine you're in the middle of a disagreement, and suddenly, the other person just stops talking to you. It's like they’ve put up a wall, and you’re left wondering what just happened. Here’s how this silent treatment can mess with your head and what you can do about it.  

How It Affects Your Mental Health:  

  1. Feeling Isolated: When someone close to you shuts you out, it can make you feel incredibly lonely. It’s like they’ve left you out in the middle of nowhere with no explanation. 

  2. Increased Anxiety: Not knowing what you did wrong or how to fix it can cause a lot of stress. You might replay conversations in your head, trying to figure out where things went wrong- a typical he said, she said situation.

  3. Self-Doubt: The silent treatment can make you question your worth. You might start thinking you’re not good enough or that you’re to blame for everything.  

How To Cope With It:  

  1. Stay Calm: It’s easy to feel anxious and stressed about it but try to stay calm. Give the other person some space, but also let them know you’re ready to talk when they are.  

  2. Reflect, Don’t Obsess: Think about what might have caused the situation, but don’t obsess over it. Sometimes it’s more about the other person’s issues than anything you did.

  3. Reach Out: Talk to a friend, family member, or therapist. Getting an outside perspective can help you see things more clearly and give you some much-needed support. If you can't talk to anyone about it post it on Unreveald, we keep things anonymous and help you receive the support you need.  

  4. Focus on Self-Care: Do things that make you feel good and grounded. Exercise, hobbies, and relaxation techniques can help you keep your cool irrespective of what's going on.  

    Now let’s look at the other perspective, where you are the one dishing out the silent treatment. 

    Perspective Two: When You're The One Giving The Silent Treatment  

    Okay, let’s flip the coin. Maybe you’re the one who’s gone silent. You’re hurt and angry, and you want the other person to feel the weight of your silence. Here’s how this can affect your mental health and some healthier ways to handle things.  

    How It Affects Your Mental Health:  

    1. Emotional Strain: Holding in all those emotions isn’t easy. It can create a lot of inner turmoil and stress.  

    1. Relationship Damage: Using silence as a weapon can seriously damage your relationships. It creates a cycle of hurt and misunderstanding that’s hard to break. 

    2. Guilt and Regret: Eventually, you might feel guilty or regretful about using the silent treatment. This can lead to even more emotional distress.  

      How To Cope With It:  

      1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: Admit to yourself that you’re hurt or angry. Ignoring these feelings will only make things worse.  

      2. Communicate Openly
      : Try to express what’s bothering you instead of shutting the other person out. Use “I feel” statements to keep things from getting too confrontational or leading to further arguments.  

      3. Take a Time-Out
      : If you need space, it’s okay to take a break. Just make sure to communicate that you need some time to cool off, but you’re not shutting down the conversation permanently.  

      4. Seek Help: If you’re struggling to manage your emotions, talking to a therapist can help you handle conflicts more effectively, which keeps your sanity intact.
      Remember, while in certain situations, silence is the best way to avoid confrontation and conflicts, at the same time it’s the worst way to deal with all those difficult things that life hurls at us. When it comes to your mental health, open communication and having difficult conversations are important.   

      Speak out when it hurts, speak out when things trigger or upset you and speak out when you feel left out. Don’t hold it back and inflict pain on yourself and others.  

      Silent treatments are tough for everyone involved. Whether you’re on the receiving end or the one using it when you are hurt. Understanding its impact on your mental health is crucial.   

      Learn to deal with things with empathy and kindness to build healthier, stronger relationships. After all, talking it out is always better than shutting someone out. 

Want someone to talk to? We are here. At Unreveald, we encourage you to talk things out to feel stress-free and light. 

You can post about things that are bothering you, something that happened at work, you didn’t like or if you are suffering in silence. You can find several listening ears here, who won’t judge you instead, will give out valuable advice that can actually help. All your posts on Unreveald will remain anonymous so no worries about anyone finding out who you are, your secret is safe with us.  

Come join us in encouraging men to speak out for improved mental health. Sign up on and end this painful cycle of silence.  

Silence is golden. This is a phrase that I have heard all my life. But that might not be a good thing always, especially when it comes to men’s mental health. Sometimes silence can be deafening and excruciating when used with intent to exert control, manipulate, or punish someone. It can also be painful when you are the recipient of the silent treatment from people whom you care about the most.  

Today, we want to talk about two sides of the same coin which is the silent treatment. One perspective involves understanding how men use the silent treatment in dealing with difficult life situations and how detrimental can it be to their mental health. And the second perspective is when faced with silent treatment, how it adversely affects men’s mental health.   

We will also look at different things that trigger this form of silence along with coping mechanisms to manage them for our overall mental well-being. Now, let’s look at these perspectives one by one.   

Perspective One- When You're The Recipient Of The Silent Treatment  

Imagine you're in the middle of a disagreement, and suddenly, the other person just stops talking to you. It's like they’ve put up a wall, and you’re left wondering what just happened. Here’s how this silent treatment can mess with your head and what you can do about it.  

How It Affects Your Mental Health:  

  1. Feeling Isolated: When someone close to you shuts you out, it can make you feel incredibly lonely. It’s like they’ve left you out in the middle of nowhere with no explanation. 

  2. Increased Anxiety: Not knowing what you did wrong or how to fix it can cause a lot of stress. You might replay conversations in your head, trying to figure out where things went wrong- a typical he said, she said situation.

  3. Self-Doubt: The silent treatment can make you question your worth. You might start thinking you’re not good enough or that you’re to blame for everything.  

How To Cope With It:  

  1. Stay Calm: It’s easy to feel anxious and stressed about it but try to stay calm. Give the other person some space, but also let them know you’re ready to talk when they are.  

  2. Reflect, Don’t Obsess: Think about what might have caused the situation, but don’t obsess over it. Sometimes it’s more about the other person’s issues than anything you did.

  3. Reach Out: Talk to a friend, family member, or therapist. Getting an outside perspective can help you see things more clearly and give you some much-needed support. If you can't talk to anyone about it post it on Unreveald, we keep things anonymous and help you receive the support you need.  

  4. Focus on Self-Care: Do things that make you feel good and grounded. Exercise, hobbies, and relaxation techniques can help you keep your cool irrespective of what's going on.  

    Now let’s look at the other perspective, where you are the one dishing out the silent treatment. 

    Perspective Two: When You're The One Giving The Silent Treatment  

    Okay, let’s flip the coin. Maybe you’re the one who’s gone silent. You’re hurt and angry, and you want the other person to feel the weight of your silence. Here’s how this can affect your mental health and some healthier ways to handle things.  

    How It Affects Your Mental Health:  

    1. Emotional Strain: Holding in all those emotions isn’t easy. It can create a lot of inner turmoil and stress.  

    1. Relationship Damage: Using silence as a weapon can seriously damage your relationships. It creates a cycle of hurt and misunderstanding that’s hard to break. 

    2. Guilt and Regret: Eventually, you might feel guilty or regretful about using the silent treatment. This can lead to even more emotional distress.  

      How To Cope With It:  

      1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: Admit to yourself that you’re hurt or angry. Ignoring these feelings will only make things worse.  

      2. Communicate Openly
      : Try to express what’s bothering you instead of shutting the other person out. Use “I feel” statements to keep things from getting too confrontational or leading to further arguments.  

      3. Take a Time-Out
      : If you need space, it’s okay to take a break. Just make sure to communicate that you need some time to cool off, but you’re not shutting down the conversation permanently.  

      4. Seek Help: If you’re struggling to manage your emotions, talking to a therapist can help you handle conflicts more effectively, which keeps your sanity intact.
      Remember, while in certain situations, silence is the best way to avoid confrontation and conflicts, at the same time it’s the worst way to deal with all those difficult things that life hurls at us. When it comes to your mental health, open communication and having difficult conversations are important.   

      Speak out when it hurts, speak out when things trigger or upset you and speak out when you feel left out. Don’t hold it back and inflict pain on yourself and others.  

      Silent treatments are tough for everyone involved. Whether you’re on the receiving end or the one using it when you are hurt. Understanding its impact on your mental health is crucial.   

      Learn to deal with things with empathy and kindness to build healthier, stronger relationships. After all, talking it out is always better than shutting someone out. 

Want someone to talk to? We are here. At Unreveald, we encourage you to talk things out to feel stress-free and light. 

You can post about things that are bothering you, something that happened at work, you didn’t like or if you are suffering in silence. You can find several listening ears here, who won’t judge you instead, will give out valuable advice that can actually help. All your posts on Unreveald will remain anonymous so no worries about anyone finding out who you are, your secret is safe with us.  

Come join us in encouraging men to speak out for improved mental health. Sign up on and end this painful cycle of silence.  


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